Daily Bible Verse ~ James 3:3-4

James 3:3-4 If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. (4) Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs.

This week at Kids Club the interns taught from the book of Proverbs… “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” (Proverbs 18:21) Twenty-five little ones learned that their words can tear down or lift up others. We have the power of life when we encourage and love one another and we have the power of death when we criticize and hurt one another with our words. What a fitting verse as we proceed through the book of James. In verses 3-4 James uses two different examples for the power of the tongue, a bit in the mouth of a horse, and a rudder on a ship.

If you have ever been around horses you learn very quickly that they have their own minds. They are bound and determined to get what they want and to gain their control takes time and patience. Yet, once one has tamed a horse, they need only a bit to keep it under control. A small piece of metal in their mouth controls their entire body. Our tongue, though it is quite small, controls our body as well. If we say the wrong thing to the wrong person our body may end up responding by fighting. If we yell out, “danger is near,” our body will run. And if we speak words of love and kindness our body may respond to someone with a hug or a pat on the back. As the bit controls the body of the horse, so too does the tongue control our body.

When a ship needs to change course it is guided by a small device at the bottom of it. Even in very serious storms the pilot needs only to turn the wheel of the ship and this small rudder can change its course quite quickly. So it is with our tongue… one word in the middle of the storm in a negative direction and our conversation can turn bad fast. Yet, if we stop for only a moment and speak a word of kindness, that too can change the conversation, only this time the situation can change for the good.


Lord, help me today to see how my words have power. Help me to say words that create life and encourage rather than discourage. I want to be more like you today. Amen.

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