Happy New Year 2011

If you are like most people you have probably given some consideration to the new year and what kind of resolutions you can now make. I was wondering myself a bit about that this week and just like last year I decided to resolve to make no new resolutions.

I have come to realize over the years that every time I make a resolution I find myself a few months and sometimes a few weeks into it just looking back and realizing I forgot to keep on going… And as I was thinking about my much needed resolutions (weight loss, more Bible reading, get out of debt, etc…) my new birth came to mind. I think the Holy Spirit led me to a thought of the story of Jesus and Nicodemus and being born again. (John 3:1-21)

Rather than focusing in on the new year, I though about my new birth and what Jesus has resolved to do for me. He has washed me from my sins, He has reconciled me to the Father, He loves me and will never abandon me. The list goes on and on of resolutions Jesus has made on my behalf and yours, and in turn all I need to do is love Him.

So here is my not a resolution, resolution. I resolve this year to love the Lord with all my heart, soul, and strength, and to love my neighbor as myself. I think as I learn to walk in this way more fully then the other things will either seem less important or Jesus will allow me to accomplish them through His grace.

Happy New Year!

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