God Saves From Our Distress

Isa 25:4 For You have been a defense for the helpless, A defense for the needy in his distress, A refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; (nasb)

I thank God today for His strength in my life. This verse in Isaiah gives me comfort during time of need. Lately it feels like all of the hurt and trauma from the past has been flowing over me like a great waterfall and my refuge has been to draw close to the Lord. I don’t find comfort in material things, other people, or some of the things that would normally be a way to calm my soul. I can only find it right now in Jesus Christ. I know that for many of us there is something in life that has changed how we relate to our self, others around us, and God Himself. Some kind of trauma or difficulty has altered the path and caused pain and regret. Regardless of the event, abuse, or addiction, God will heal the broken hearted and restore their soul.

If you are someone today who has gone through a painful time in your life I encourage you to rest in the Lord. Take some time and reflect on His goodness towards you. If He seems like He has abandoned you then cry out to Him and ask Him to reveal Himself to you in a fresh new way today. Seek someone you can trust to pray with you and ask God to intervene in your life right now.

If you are someone who hasn’t experienced the kind of pain and trauma I am talking about I praise God today for your life of freedom. Won’t you pray for those around you who have gone and are still experiencing the effects of trauma in their life?

Several years back when I began the healing process from childhood trauma I wrote a poem. On occasion I go back and read it and I thought I would share it today on my blog.

It Is Time To Survive

when all hell breaks loose
with a fit and a fury
and your life seems to
be tumbling around you
it is time to survive

when they don’t understand
the pain you are going through
and the only thing you can do
is walk the thin line
it is time to survive

your heart wants to stop
and your heads spinning faster
all of your past comes rushing
at you like a raging river
it is time to survive

take hold of the One
who knows you and made you
your troubles are His now
so take peace in Him…

You Will Survive

Psa 107:19-20 Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble; He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions. (nasb)

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