Why Me Lord? Following His Lead…

Setting one’s mind on the things of Christ can have worldly consequences. To seek Him and the things he desires for my life are at the cornerstone of my identity. “Living Daily In Christ” is more than simply a nice saying of words compiled together to sound spiritual. It is a way of life. It is about living a life in Christ with the sole purpose of bringing glory to God by reaching out to the least of these and bringing His hope to all mankind. Sharing the Love He has given to us with others.

Choosing this path has many worldly consequences. It could mean losing a job, friends, and even family members. Giving up things that seem so important at the time but in the end are not eternal. As we prepare for overseas missions work, we are filled with joy and sorrow at the same time. Joy in being a part of the work of Christ in a land that is in need, and sorrowful from the loss of the normal way things have been for many years. So the question comes to my mind often… “Why me Lord?”

Why would the God of the universe pick a couple like Me and Lori and ask us to sell our belongings, pack up a couple of totes, and ship off to Uganda? Not only have we asked ourselves that question, but we are asked often the same question.

As I pray and think on it I can’t help but think of the twelve disciples. They were simple men who had simple lives and in the process of living them Jesus called them to abandon the norm and live differently. To drop what they were doing and become a voice for the living God. To proclaim Christ throughout the nations and teach people about their need for a Savior. They were not overly educated and for the most part zealous, hard working men. They were willing to go when Jesus asked them to come.

I think the “why me” question is best answered like this for me and Lori. We are not the smartest, the richest, the most capable, the best skilled, the finest orators, or the most qualified. But we are willing. So many stories in the Bible show us that God uses the weak to overtake the strong, the foolish to confound the wise, and the poor to be rich in faith. And I believe He has called us to Uganda because He will be glorified through us since we are less than qualified to do the work He has called us to do. If anything amazing gets done in the name of Christ in Uganda when we are there it is simply because He is mighty and we are not. He is strong and we are not. He is in control and we are not.

So as you think and pray on the things of your life, I encourage you to ask yourself a question. “Am I willing to go?” Are you willing to go wherever God calls you right now? Or are doing what I have done for many years…  trying to get smarter, more prepared, wealthier, or more faithful so you can be used? God doesn’t need your smarts, your money, or your talent. He just calls the weak and willing servant who says to Him, “Here am I Lord, send me!”

Be Blessed!


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