Daily Bible Verse ~ James 4:11-12

James 4:11-12 Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. (12) There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?


Condemning one another with slanderous speech can be one of the most harmful things believers can do. James tells us here in these verses that we are to not speak about one another in a way that would be slanderous or judgmental with the intent to bring them harm. It is all too easy to get involved in a conversation with a friend and the negative critical speech starts to flow. “Did I tell you about what John did the other day?” Is often how it may start… “Guess what so and so said in this meeting”, or “tell me about what you heard about this person.” We’ve all been there and we’ve all done it.

Speaking evil against one another is bringing judgement upon a brother or sister in Christ. The real problem James says is that there is only one lawgiver, namely God, and he is the one who is able to judge. He is the one who knows all and gives and takes life. When we slander and bring judgement upon one of our brothers or sisters in the Lord we are doing so without them being able to defend themselves. It is a one sided accusation of something that may or may not be true.

One of the best ways to keep from speaking evil against one another is to determine your motive. What am I saying about this person and what is the purpose for it? Here are a few questions to ask before you engage in evil reporting.

  • Am I bringing a false report in order to cause harm to their reputation?
  • Am I stating facts in a manner that should be directed at the person I am speaking about rather than being shared in the manner I am sharing them?
  • Am I sharing this information to build myself up in any way?
  • If this person was next to me could I say these things I am about to say?
  • If what I am saying gets told to others, is it something I would be thankful was repeated?

If we simply take a few seconds of thought before we speak against one another we would probably shorten many of our conversations. In addition to being one who catches oneself from speaking evil, it is just as important for us to not be “evil listeners.” If we use some of the same questions we ask ourselves regarding speaking to how we listen to others, we will eventually be someone others would prefer to not share negative critical accusations of others with.

Do not speak evil against one another. Don’t pass judgments against one another. Jesus tells us to love our neighbor as we would love our own self. How we speak to one another about one another matters, especially in the household of God.


Lord, please help me to control my tongue and speak in a manner that is worthy of my walk as a believer in Christ. Help me to walk in love thinking the best for my brothers and sisters in the Lord and not to condemn them in how I present them to others. Forgive me for my sin and cleanse me Lord from my unrighteousness. Amen


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